Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V.
Wittestr. 30K
13509 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 54 90 60 8-0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 54 90 60 8-99
Authorized representatives
Sosan Azad, 1st Chairperson (address as above)
Uwe Boers, 2nd Chairman
Other board members
Alexandra Bielecke
Wiebke Heider
Christoph Weber
Court Registration
The Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V. is registered in the register of associations of the District Court Berlin Charlottenburg under registration number VR 33916 B.
Tax ID
Tax Number with the Tax office for Corporations I Berlin
Bank Account
Kasseler Sparkasse
IBAN DE72 5205 0353 0001 0738 90
Further information - also within the meaning of the "Service Information Obligation Ordinance" (DL-InfoV)
The members of the BM recognize the "Basic Ethical Understanding" of the Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V. (Original in German: and the "European Code of Conduct for Mediators" (Original in English:
Liability Notice
Due to the technical characteristics of the Internet, the Federal Association Bundesverband Mediation e.V., as far as a liability exclusion is possible in compliance with §309 No. 7 BGB, cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information provided.
The Federal Association Bundesverband Mediation e.V. is responsible as content provider for the "own contents", which it holds ready for use, according to the general laws. From these own contents, cross-references ("links") to the content provided by other providers should be treated separately. By means of cross-reference, the Federal Association Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V. thus provides "foreign content" for use. It is only responsible for these third-party contents if it has positive knowledge of them (i.e. also of unlawful or punishable content) and if it is technically possible and reasonable for it to prevent their use.
However, cross-references are always "living" (dynamic) references. Although the Bundesverband Mediation e.V. checked the third-party content during the initial linking process, it could trigger a possible civil or criminal liability. However, according to the law, he is not obliged to constantly check the contents to which he refers in his offer for changes that could justify a responsibility. Only when he discovers or is informed by others that a concrete offer, to which it has provided a cross-reference, triggers any civil or criminal liability, then it will remove the reference to this offer, as far as this is technically possible and reasonable.
Electronic mail (e-mail)
The transfer of data on the Internet (still) implies certain risks: Information that you send unencrypted by electronic mail (e-mail) to the Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V., can be read by third parties while in transit, stored, and may be misappropriated. Therefore, do not send confidential information without using an encryption program.
Protection of data privacy Here the german original declaration (Original Datenschutzhinweise in deutsch)
The names Bundesverband MEDIATION, Mediator BM, Mediatorin BM, Ausbilder BM, Ausbilderin BM, Mediator in Erziehung und Bildung and Mediatorin in Erziehung und Bildung are registered trademarks of the Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V.. Similarly, the Association logo and the recognition logos are protected as visual trademarks. Their use is subject to certain conditions that can be obtained from the office.
Texts, pictures, graphics as well as design and layout of these pages are subject to worldwide copyright. Unauthorized use, reproduction or transmission of individual content or complete pages are prosecuted under both criminal and civil law. In this case, under German civil law, omission and compensation for damages, the surrender or destruction of the duplicating devices and the public announcement of the judgment are possible. Cease and desist claims are secured by the court with fine of up to 250,000.00 EUR or imprisonment up to six months. In criminal proceedings, imprisonment of up to 5 years is possible in individual cases. The prosecution according to legal systems of other countries is possible and can have even more drastic consequences.
Copyright © Bundesverband Mediation e.V.
All rights reserved.
Concept & realization
Wild Wild Web - Internet Services, Heiko Hänsge
Screen design
Graphics studio Köhler, Antje Köhler
The layout is based on YAML © 2005-2006 by Dirk Jesse
Design header images
Com @ Mediadesign, agency for web and print design, Cornelia Neumann
Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV and § 5 Telemediengesetz
Alexandra Bielecke
Board of the Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V.
E-Mail: alexandra.bielecke@
bmev. de
Photo Credits
After § 13 UrhG we would like to thank the photographers of
# 25951510 - Waterfront © Gunnar Assmy
# 4107511 - Surfer in contra jour © philippe Devanne
# 1507513 - bamboo fontain © mypokcik
# 1441534 - breaking wave © NorthShoreSurfPhotos
# 125625 - témpano © Joaquin Mateos
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